Saturday, April 21, 2012

Clicking Heels...Beauty In All Colors.....

Me lately
So lately I’ve been coming across a lot of rant about discrimination because of the color of your skin some things I read hear and see says I get hate because I’m too light skinned the others on the complete opposite end of the spectrum say they get hate because they are to dark.  So I’ll say this what about us  Black Americans or for those that prefer it African Americans who are right smack in the middle like myself—I say to those on the other color spectrum suck it up get over it and don’t poison our new generations minds with the hate that not just other races may have but the obvious racism that our very own have toward each other.  We the middle medium of brown /red/yellow skin tones catch hate from both sides, but you never hear us complaining.

My Beautiful coco cousin (LeRhonda)
My Beautiful yellow best friend-she thinks shes brown

 We are all beautiful –black is beautiful –just as every color is. Have you ever seen a rainbow it is one of God’s most magnificent creations of nature as are we all.
Middle Ground Caramel/brown/yellow/red...
 We are like a great collection of shoes.  We all are of different colors mixes heights widths and styles but at the end of the day the collection is still fierce especially as a group/people.  The collection is only as strong as its weakest link <-- as clichés  as that is, but its true as a people we need to get past skin color because we have bigger issues as a people and as a nation—national dept anyone.

 We need to uplift each other and stop being like crabs in a bucket.  Our world has progressed to much to let that slave mentality continue to rule who we are as a people.  Don’t mistake we must not forget the past or we are bound to repeat it but we must use it to make ourselves strong before it’s too late.

 Food for thought

History is written, but it’s up to “US” to write a new chapter and to not keep repeating the  1st and 2nd chapters over and over there is no new history unless we change it….it’s like knowing your favorite pair of heels are worn out and it being time to replace them it only make your wardrobe that much better. Besides the initial draw  may be outward beauty, but in the end its your personality, character and drive is what keeps you not your looks.....THAT FADES!

And that's My Word..!!

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