Saturday, April 21, 2012

Clicking Heels...Beauty In All Colors.....

Me lately
So lately I’ve been coming across a lot of rant about discrimination because of the color of your skin some things I read hear and see says I get hate because I’m too light skinned the others on the complete opposite end of the spectrum say they get hate because they are to dark.  So I’ll say this what about us  Black Americans or for those that prefer it African Americans who are right smack in the middle like myself—I say to those on the other color spectrum suck it up get over it and don’t poison our new generations minds with the hate that not just other races may have but the obvious racism that our very own have toward each other.  We the middle medium of brown /red/yellow skin tones catch hate from both sides, but you never hear us complaining.

My Beautiful coco cousin (LeRhonda)
My Beautiful yellow best friend-she thinks shes brown

 We are all beautiful –black is beautiful –just as every color is. Have you ever seen a rainbow it is one of God’s most magnificent creations of nature as are we all.
Middle Ground Caramel/brown/yellow/red...
 We are like a great collection of shoes.  We all are of different colors mixes heights widths and styles but at the end of the day the collection is still fierce especially as a group/people.  The collection is only as strong as its weakest link <-- as clichés  as that is, but its true as a people we need to get past skin color because we have bigger issues as a people and as a nation—national dept anyone.

 We need to uplift each other and stop being like crabs in a bucket.  Our world has progressed to much to let that slave mentality continue to rule who we are as a people.  Don’t mistake we must not forget the past or we are bound to repeat it but we must use it to make ourselves strong before it’s too late.

 Food for thought

History is written, but it’s up to “US” to write a new chapter and to not keep repeating the  1st and 2nd chapters over and over there is no new history unless we change it….it’s like knowing your favorite pair of heels are worn out and it being time to replace them it only make your wardrobe that much better. Besides the initial draw  may be outward beauty, but in the end its your personality, character and drive is what keeps you not your looks.....THAT FADES!

And that's My Word..!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Secret Pleasures...Is it superficial or not?

I know this is kind of touchy,but it's what I'm thinking and so totally relevant to my journey....
Virginal yet seductive -photo: c.russell

Enhance by makeup not covered what they think we hear

Be Seen and not heard

Butt lift...I so am not this endowed
Makeup as a mask
As little girls we are taught in so many ways that are not necessarily spoken, but subliminally to be seen and not heard, be sexy yet virginal and my favorite you are only as strong as your most commanding silent yet demanding sweet , innocent and seductive glance <<< I've mastered this f.y.i.>>>>
As a result we emerge our self in paint to make ourselves beautiful ,because you see most are not taught the paint is only suppose to enhance the natural beauty not cover it up, we overspend even if we can't afford the clothes, makeup , accessories<<>>>>> my secret pleasure. Let's not forget botox, face lifts, lip implants, breast implants, butt lifts, liposuction and the list goes on. As a result all of this is thrown at us in piles upon piles in popular culture. These things are thrown to us so much that they are not longer viewed as luxuries, but as necessities. Then "WE" are viewed as superficial by the same people that feed the indulgences to us.  All we have to do is ask for and I bet you a million + there is someone that can make our dream(s) come true. 
Plastic Beauty

Barbie Beauty --a Face Full
What we end up over sexed and accessorized...unless stated otherwise all professional pix in this post were taken by Anomaly13
Now the question remains is it as superficial as some people would have us all believe? Or is it just part of our evolved culture that is what we now deem as acceptable to everyone, but those of us that are stuck in the ice age. Those that have not figured out how to teach our younger generation how to interpret these messages and to take them as what they are worth as the saying goes, "it is what it is".  I mean think about it like this as bad off as our economy is now, if there where not those people that indulged in these so call necessities how much worse would things really be?  I say to each his/her own.  Do what you are suppose to in teaching don't leave everything up to the educators-they don't get paid enough for that- and the rest will follow.

Do I think my world in a personal aspect is superficial not's part of life things have changed a lot in the last 100 years...would I feel the same if I had a little girl probably I said, teach and the rest will follow... your thoughts?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Day In the Life...

Color for the season

My Youtube Channel--Tester

 Seriously was not planning on updating until the end of the week but, you know me very interesting things are like so always happening....I got my tooth pull today glad didn't feel a thing was quick painless and the experience dispels all the negative I've heard about a certain Dr......go you it was fab. Now I was on the way to drop my prescribiton off at Wally World when I turn the corner only to see this......and yes I did take a picture and guys slip and take pix of females In special clubs then I can take a pic of a scene In a public place....
Turns out he was a diabetic and had fainted/got dizzy was conscious though

love the shoes in this shot

I want this dress...birthday July 5th size xL Jr...message me for store

so earlier this week my best and I got hungry and bored we paid for it don't eat while starving

Blue and Granny so spoiled

can you guess what this is a pic of?
And the rest well I just got bored and don't know when I will wear them again so I decided to take a picture well pictures.....I love these shoes oh and I don't normally do white Especially on the bottom but I think I pulled it off....well I hope cuz if I didn't its being posted for the world to see.....

Monday, April 9, 2012

       So it has been eons since I last updated....I know bummer anyways things have been bad and they have been good but like I say everything happens for a reason and God is revealing more and more each day his reason for my boring, crazy yet adventurous life.  Whats sad is I had to sit out this semester but I'm working retail and I've had the opportunity to work in a completely new area Cosmetic now my first love....since I was in 5th that was awesome....from there lingerie more bra fitting practice <<<< reminds me of my days at Lane Bryant >>>>  a new perspective on the business because this time I get a different view then at LB and Macy's <<<< have worked and loved working at both places.   I have a lot of ground covered as far as experience goes and I  believe well everything happens for a reason....sitting out a semester may be a setback but in the process I have receiving some well needed training and brush ups in retail ....after all this BLOG is about the journey to me opening my store so it all works in my favor as hard as it was at first for me to acknowledge that I knew it but I wouldnt speak it past the tears I wanted to be in school I didn't care....but I'm great now!   I believe I have even figured out this dang hair of mine....MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE!!!!   Oh and I need help choosing which swimsuit to get so if you visit the blog let me know which one you think would look best on me....and my big ole legs....Ha!  Adding pics know my rambling is the last thing you all want to hear!!  I'm BACK! 

Edgy Barbie Look

Finally got her in Makeup...well sometimes atleast (Mom)

Just a Glow.....more makeup...such a Lancome chic
So late but Blue so adorable!!

The Love of my life....Storm aka Big Boy!!

Don't know what I was smiling about

hair and makeup--Me!!

Ready for the fashion show....stage fright poor baby!!  Neice

So I'm still cooking Moms not gonna let that happen

Was not sure bout this dress at first but after seeing the pictures I liked
My new favorite shoe!!
so i was experimenting meatless bologna, pomegranate in yogurt and bagels with strawberry cream cheese
when I actually take the time to curl perm..takes like 2 to 3 hours

Did I mention I sell AVON on the  Mother Day is right around the corner!!