Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My Plate Runieth Over LITTERALLY!

As I do this update I have been at work 10 hrs straight, yes I am tired but it's just been bugging me to update-- well in My Lane has been to say the least interesting....Let's see school work school work....and everything in between I may no have children, but geeze at least this crazy whirlwind I'm in would make sense if I did and Daddy don't get excited at the mention of them (kids) that part of my life is gonna be on hold for a while...a LONG WHILE!

Anyways since I'm back tracking there had been Collegiate D.E.C.A. Conference, midterms and Halloween is tomorrow ....I was gonna go as a black cat but last minute I think I'll be my alter ego I wont have to worry about changing my makeup only my clothes for work.....SOUNDS LIKE A WINNER TO ME!!!  I'll post pix of that later....

I'm sure I'm missing something ...I am I've gone from Lead to Key holder at work ....I'm just about there the juggling the key holder duties and sales associate took me a minute, but I've just about gotten it down pat.

 In the mean time I've fallen in love with these two...don't judge

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